Terms & Conditions

Appolyon SARL

1. Interpretation

1.1 In these Conditions, the following words shall (unless the context otherwise requires) have the meanings set out below :

- "Buyer": refers to the natural or legal person who has requested Products identified in the Order.

- "Order": means an order for Products placed by the Buyer with Appolyon SARL.

- "Conditions": refers to the present general terms and conditions of sale.

- "Contract”: means a contract for the supply of Products concluded between the Purchaser and Appolyon SARL.

- "IPR”: means intellectual property rights of any kind, including, but not limited to, inventions, patents, utility models, design rights, copyrights, know-how, trade secrets, confidential information, trademarks, trade names and intangible property.

- "Party(ies)": refers in the singular to the Buyer or Appolyon SARL and in the plural to the Buyer and Appolyon SARL.

- "Products”: means products supplied by Appolyon SARL (as defined in Appolyon SARL's offer or in its order acknowledgement).

- "Appolyon SARL: refers to Appolyon SARL, its branches and subsidiaries.

1.2 The headings used in these Conditions are for ease of reference only and do not affect their interpretation.

2. Training

2.1 All offers are made and Orders accepted by Appolyon SARL subject to the Conditions which shall apply to all Contracts to the exclusion of any other conditions, including, without limitation, those which the Buyer may purport to apply to any Order. Modifications to the provisions of a Contract shall only be effective if agreed in advance in writing between the Parties. If a modification so agreed extends the time and/or increases the costs of performance of the Contract for Appolyon SARL, the price and/or schedule of the Contract shall be adjusted accordingly.

2.2 The Buyer's Orders shall be binding on Appolyon SARL only after issuance of a written acknowledgement of the order, and only on the terms set forth in said acknowledgement.

2.3 All information on characteristics, capacity, price, technical specifications and other data given in catalogs, prospectuses, circulars, advertisements, illustrations and price lists shall be deemed to be indicative. Such information shall be enforceable only to the extent expressly stated in the order acknowledgement or in the other documents constituting the Contract which expressly refer to such information.

3. Delivery, Non-delivery and Delay

3.1 Unless otherwise expressly agreed in writing by Appolyon SARL: Delivery times accepted by Appolyon SARL are communicated in good faith, but are purely indicative. Digital products are delivered electronically (email, secure download link, etc.).

3.2 Appolyon SARL may deliver digital products in several instalments. Default on the part of Appolyon SARL concerning one or more partial deliveries, whatever the cause, does not entitle the Buyer to terminate the Contract.

3. 3 If : (a) Buyer fails or refuses to download the products when they are ready for delivery in accordance with the applicable Order, (b) Appolyon SARL agrees (at its sole discretion) to defer delivery of the digital products at Buyer's request or if (c) Buyer fails to provide instructions, consents or authorizations required to enable timely delivery of the Digital Products, risk in the Digital Products shall immediately pass to Buyer, delivery of the Digital Products shall be deemed to have taken place and Appolyon SARL may charge Buyer for all related costs and expenses (including storage, insurance, etc.) and may withdraw access to the Digital Products. ) and may withdraw access to the files after a period of twenty-eight (28) days from such default or refusal by the Buyer.

3.4 Upon delivery to the Buyer, all digital products must be inspected by the Buyer. Appolyon SARL shall not be liable for any deficiencies in, damage to, or non-delivery of the Digital Products unless Buyer notifies Appolyon SARL (with full details) in writing within ten (10) days from the date of delivery. Subject to such notification, if it is shown that any Digital Products have not been delivered and the cause of such non-delivery is beyond the reasonable control of Appolyon SARL, Appolyon SARL will, at its sole discretion, arrange for delivery as soon as reasonably practicable or grant Buyer a credit for such Digital Products, which shall be Buyer's sole remedy in lieu of all other rights and remedies that may otherwise be available to Buyer. Deficiencies in or failure to deliver all or any part of the Digital Products shall not affect the Contract with respect to any other part or parts of the Digital Products.

3.5 In the event of any delay in the contractual delivery date of the Digital Products or any part thereof caused by the negligence or wilful intent of Appolyon SARL, and if the Buyer has suffered any damage caused by such delay, the Buyer shall be entitled to flat-rate delay penalties. Such liquidated damages for delay shall amount to 0.5% of the contract price of the delayed digital product for each full week of delay, after application of a grace period of two (2) weeks. Lump-sum penalties for delay will be capped at five percent (5%) of the price of the delayed digital product.

3.6 Flat-rate penalties shall constitute the sole compensation and coercive measure of the Buyer against Appolyon SARL for failure to comply with the contractual deadline for delivery of digital products.

4. Title deeds

Unless paid in full by Appolyon SARL in advance, the Products will be considered as delivered by Appolyon SARL, which remains the owner until the Buyer has paid the full price under all contracts concluded between Appolyon SARL and the Buyer.If the Buyer fails to pay the price when due, Appolyon SARL shall be entitled to repossess the Products without a court order, in accordance with applicable law.

5. Prices and Period of Validity of Quotations and Offers - Payment

5.1 Unless otherwise agreed, quotations and commercial offers remain valid for a period of three (3) months from their date of issue.

5.2 Appolyon SARL shall not be entitled or obliged to implement any changes to the subject matter of the contract before the Parties have reached agreement on the contract price and delivery period.

5.3 If the delivery period exceeds one year, the price may be revised according to the CPF 74.10 index.

5.4 Unless otherwise agreed in writing by Appolyon SARL, sums payable by the Buyer to Appolyon SARL shall be due and paid by the Buyer net, without discount, no later than fifteen (15) days after the invoice date. If any sum payable under the Contract is not paid when due, said sum shall, without prejudice to Appolyon SARL's other rights under these Conditions, bear interest from the due date until payment in full, before and after judgment, at an annual rate ten (10) % higher than the main refinancing rate of the European Central Bank in force on the due date of payment. In the event of late payment, a fixed indemnity of forty (40) euros will be payable to cover collection costs, in addition to the penalties for late payment.

6. Warranty

6.1 Appolyon SARL warrants for a period of six (6) months, from the date of delivery of the digital products, that the latter are free from substantial defects in material or workmanship.

6.2 Any conditions, warranties or other provisions, express or implied, statutory or otherwise, inconsistent with clause 6.1 are all hereby expressly excluded, except in the case of mandatory statutory provisions from which the parties cannot derogate.

6.3 The warranty given in clause 6. 1 shall not apply: (a) If the alleged defect is the consequence of a design, model, specification or intellectual property right supplied by the Buyer or is the result of normal wear and tear, deliberate damage, negligence on the part of the Buyer, abnormal working conditions, abusive use or modification or repair of the digital products without the approval of Appolyon SARL or if it occurs as a result of failure to comply with a notice from Appolyon SARL (whether oral or written, or whether relating to, among other things, the manufacture, operation, use or maintenance of the digital products) or as a result of abusive use, modification or repair of the digital products without the approval of Appolyon SARL. (b) If Appolyon SARL or its agents are not given a reasonable opportunity to inspect the digital products. (c) If the total price of the Digital Products has not been paid by the due date of payment.

6.4 Appolyon SARL's obligations under the Agreement are limited such that in the event of a breach by Appolyon SARL of the warranty referred to in clause 6.1 or in the event of a defect in the Digital Products, Appolyon SARL shall, at its option (and without further liability in contract, negligence or otherwise for a defect in the quality of the Digital Products), only be obliged to: (a) Grant a credit note in the amount of the contractual price (if already paid) attributable to the defective digital products, or (b) Repair, rectify or replace the defective digital products, subject to such products being returned to Appolyon SARL in the condition in which they were delivered, at the Buyer's expense, upon simple request by Appolyon SARL within twelve (12) months from their date of delivery. In particular, Appolyon SARL shall not be liable for the unloading of cargo and/or pre-conditioning work necessary to repair and/or rectify the defect. Clause 6.4 constitutes Buyer's sole remedy and supersedes all other rights and remedies that may otherwise be available to Buyer.

6.5 Replacement digital products will be warranted under the terms of this clause 6.

6.6 Appolyon SARL declines all responsibility for any damage (bodily, material or immaterial) that may result from abnormal use of the digital products, their modification by the Buyer or by a third party.

6.7 The Buyer waives all recourse on any grounds whatsoever against Appolyon SARL and its insurers, beyond the limits or exclusions set out above, and indemnifies its insurers. The Buyer undertakes to indemnify Appolyon SARL and/or its insurers against any and all judgments of any nature whatsoever and/or any and all claims from third parties that may be made against Appolyon SARL and/or its insurers.

6.8 Defective digital products replaced under the warranty become the property of Appolyon SARL. The Buyer undertakes to return them to Appolyon SARL upon written request from Appolyon SARL.

7. Force Majeure

7. 1 Force majeure is defined as any event, problem or occurrence, regardless of where it occurs, which is unforeseeable and beyond the control of the party affected by said event: for example, war, declared or undeclared, hostilities, conflict, blockade, revolution, insurrection, riot, disturbance of public order, acts of terrorism, sabotage and piracy, civil war, expropriation, requisition, confiscation or nationalization, restrictions imposed on exports or imports by any governmental authority, closure of harbors, docks, canals or other facilities or facilities for watercraft or navigation at any site, rationing or allocation, whether by legal imposition, decree or regulation, or in accordance with industry standards by order of any governmental authority, fire, floods, typhoons, hurricanes or similar extreme weather conditions, the severity of which could not have been foreseen, actually hindering or delaying the progress of work, earthquakes, storms, lightning, tides (other than normal tides), tidal waves, marine hazards, navigation accidents, boat breakdowns or damage, accidents to ports, docks, canals or other assistance devices or boat or navigation appendages, epidemics, quarantines, strikes or gatherings of workers, lock-outs or other labor problems, or any other event which could be considered as a case of force majeure. Furthermore, in the event of travel and/or security measures for the country or neighbouring countries established by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of a member country of the European Union, Appolyon SARL will not be obliged to send personnel to the country and may be forced to plan the temporary repatriation of its personnel from the site, without this constituting a breach of obligation, due to the existence of an event of force majeure.

In the event of force majeure, the Parties shall be temporarily released from their obligations, for the duration of such events and to the extent that their obligations are affected. The foregoing provisions shall also apply to Appolyon SARL if a supplier of the latter is affected by a similar event and/or if the Party concerned is already in default.

7.2 The Parties undertake to communicate to each other without delay any necessary information that might reasonably be expected, and to adapt their obligations, in good faith, to the changed circumstances.

8. Intellectual Property Rights and Confidentiality

8.1 The Buyer shall not, under any circumstances, acquire any rights in any IPR (including copyright) subsisting in, arising out of or relating to the Products, nor in any plans, descriptions, blueprints, models, technical information, software, documents, drawings and/or related specifications provided by or on behalf of Appolyon SARL to the Buyer in connection with the delivery of the Products, unless otherwise expressly agreed in writing by Appolyon SARL. If the Buyer acquires similar rights, then the Buyer shall immediately inform Appolyon SARL and shall immediately take such steps as Appolyon SARL may require for such rights to be assigned to Appolyon SARL or for title to be vested in Appolyon SARL.

8.2 Appolyon SARL shall have the right to affix trademarks, trade names and/or brand names to the Products. Buyer acknowledges that Buyer's use of such trademarks, trade names and/or brand names does not confer any rights upon Buyer. Buyer will not deface, remove or obliterate any trademark, trade name or logo applied by Appolyon SARL on or in connection with the Products.

8.3 The Buyer shall keep confidential and shall not, without the prior written consent of Appolyon SARL, use any information supplied by Appolyon SARL to the Buyer, disclosed to the Buyer or obtained by the Buyer under or as a result of the Contract, and shall not disclose the same to any third party, unless such information is or becomes public through no fault of the Buyer, or is required to be disclosed by law, public authority or other supervisory authority.

8.4 If Appolyon SARL bases the production of Products on its own specifications, Appolyon SARL, to the exclusion of any other liability, guarantees that such Products will not interfere with any IPR.

8.5 All rights of reproduction, translation and adaptation reserved for all countries. The French Intellectual Property Code prohibits copies or reproductions for collective use. Any representation or reproduction in whole or in part by any process whatsoever without the consent of the author or his successors in title is unlawful and constitutes an infringement punishable by articles L. 335-2 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code.


9.1 Appolyon SARL shall have no contractual, extra-contractual, legal or other liability to the Buyer or its insurers whatsoever and howsoever caused:

- (a) for loss of profits, employees, contracts, revenues or anticipated savings.

- (b) for damage to the Buyer's reputation or intangible value.

- (c) for loss resulting from a claim by a third party.

- (d) for special, indirect or consequential loss or damage of any kind.

9.2 Without prejudice to article 9.1, the total contractual, extra-contractual, legal or other liability of Appolyon SARL for each Order shall be limited to the value of that Order. Any representation or reproduction in whole or in part by any process whatsoever, without the consent of the author or his successors in title, is unlawful and constitutes an infringement punishable by articles L. 335-2 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code.


10.1 If the Buyer fails to make any payment when due or to perform its other obligations in a timely manner, Appolyon SARL shall be entitled to suspend its performance of the Contract until the default is remedied by the Buyer, whether or not Appolyon SARL has elected to suspend performance.

- (a) Appolyon SARL's time for performance of the Contract shall be automatically extended accordingly.

- (b) Any costs (including financial costs and storage, demurrage and other charges) incurred by Appolyon SARL as a result shall be borne by the Buyer.

10.2 Without prejudice to its other rights, Appolyon SARL may terminate the Agreement with immediate effect if any of the following events occur or are likely to occur:

- (a) Suspension under clause 10.1 continues for more than one hundred and twenty (120) days.

- (b) The Buyer breaches any of its obligations under the Contract and, if remedy is possible, fails to remedy such defect within thirty (30) days of receipt of written notice from Appolyon SARL.

- (c) The Buyer goes into liquidation, becomes insolvent or has a trustee or administrator appointed, if a similar event occurs in another jurisdiction or if the Buyer ceases or threatens to cease carrying on business or is otherwise unable to pay its debts as they fall due.

10.3 In the event of termination for any reason whatsoever, Appolyon SARL shall be entitled to immediately suspend any further deliveries of products under the Contract without further liability to the Buyer. Without prejudice to Appolyon SARL's other remedies under the Contract and within fourteen (14) days of notice of termination, however caused, Buyer shall pay to Appolyon SARL:

- (a) The unpaid balance of the Contract price of products which have been delivered.

- (b) The costs incurred or incurred by Appolyon SARL up to the date of notification of termination to perform the delivery of products still unfinished, plus a reasonable margin to be agreed between the Parties, which shall not be less than fifteen (15) % of the Contract Price.

- (c) Costs reasonably incurred by Appolyon SARL as a result of the termination.

10.4 Termination, expiration or completion of the Contract or any part thereof shall not affect or prejudice the provisions of articles 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. Any representation or reproduction in whole or in part by any process whatsoever, without the consent of the author or his successors in title, is unlawful and constitutes an infringement punishable by articles L. 335-2 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code.


11.1 The Buyer will take delivery of the products advertised as ready for dispatch on time, in accordance with the agreed delivery dates.

11.2 Unless otherwise agreed, the Buyer shall pay the Contract Price when due, in accordance with clause 5.4 above, a deposit of 30% when the order is placed and the balance upon receipt of delivery.

11.3 The Buyer assumes full responsibility for all acts committed or omitted by the Buyer's Personnel, Appolyon SARL disclaiming all liability in this respect.

11.4 The Buyer shall indicate a digital address for delivery of the products ordered within a maximum of three (3) weeks from receipt of written confirmation from Appolyon SARL. If the Buyer does not comply, Appolyon SARL shall be entitled to sell the products selected for delivery to a third party and to indicate a new delivery date, which shall be sent to the Buyer for information. In this case, the Buyer shall not be entitled to claim any lump-sum penalties pursuant to clause 3.5.

11.5 Appolyon SARL may, at its sole discretion, refuse to perform the Services under conditions or in an environment that it deems likely to be detrimental to the health and/or safety of its personnel and/or if the Buyer is in breach of this Article; in such event, Appolyon SARL shall not be liable under the terms of the Order for any delay or failure to deliver. Any representation or reproduction in whole or in part by any process whatsoever, without the consent of the author or his successors in title, is unlawful and constitutes an infringement punishable by articles L. 335-2 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code.


In application of articles 39 and 40 of the French Data Protection Act n°78-17 of January 6, 1978, the Buyer has the right to access and rectify any data concerning him or her, by sending a letter to the following address: Appolyon SARL - 3, Le Grand Chavenet, 36100 Saint-Aoustrille, France, or by email to Appolyon SARL: Appolyon SARL - 3, Le Grand Chavenet, 36100 Saint-Aoustrille, France, or by email to Appolyon SARL. Any representation or reproduction in whole or in part by any process whatsoever, without the consent of the author or his successors in title, is unlawful and constitutes an infringement punishable by the articles of the French Intellectual Property Code.


13.1 Appolyon SARL and the Buyer shall not be entitled to assign, transfer or subcontract to a third party all or part of their rights and/or obligations arising from the Contract without the prior written consent of the other Party.

13.2 If any court, administrative body or competent authority deems any provision, clause, condition or part of these Terms to be illegal, null and void or unenforceable, then such provision shall, to the extent necessary, be severed from these Terms and become ineffective, without affecting, to the extent possible, other provisions or parts of these Terms, which shall remain in full force and effect. The Parties undertake to replace the null and void provision by another equivalent provision - in terms of commercial effect - as far as possible.

13.3 The Contract and these Conditions shall be construed in accordance with and governed in all respects by Swiss law, to the exclusion however of its conflict of laws rules and to the exclusion of the United Nations Convention of April 11, 1980 on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods.

13.4 If the Parties are unable to settle a dispute between themselves :

If the Buyer is domiciled in France :

The dispute shall be finally settled by arbitration in accordance with the Rules of Conciliation and Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce in Paris (ICC), by three (3) arbitrators appointed pursuant to the said Rules. The arbitration proceedings will take place in Paris, in the French language, and will be governed by French law.

If the Buyer is domiciled outside France :

The dispute shall be finally settled by arbitration in accordance with the Rules of Conciliation and Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce, Geneva (4, Bd du Théâtre, 1204 Geneva, Switzerland) by three (3) arbitrators appointed under the said Rules. The arbitration proceedings will take place in Geneva, and will be conducted in English and subject to Swiss substantive law.